PJM Energy Credits
PJM Energy Credits
Incentives for Energy Efficiency

Qualified Project Types 

Ideally, optimal energy efficiency is designed into the construction of all new buildings, but due to various financial and policy adoption constraints, varying construction standards are still being used.

If your project does not fit into the respective project categories below or if you have any specific questions, please Contact Us and we will work with you to answer your specific questions. 

Our goal is to help all of our customers maximize incentives for their energy efficiency investments, which continues to further the sustainability movement. as we simplify the path to achieve faster ROI, and quicker payback, we are hopeful that our customers will continue to further their investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, which will ultimately reduce humanity's impact on the quality of life for future generations. 

OEM Equipment Suppliers (LED Lighting, Anti-Sweat, Vending Machines)

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OEM Suppliers that sell the following products to the final point of use by an end user within the PJM territory can qualify for the PJM Incentives. The types of equipment we are able to monetize includes: 

  1. ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED - Refrigerators, Air Conditioners Lighting
  2. DLC or Non-DLC Certified LED Lighting that is sold directly to an end user 
  3. ASHRAE - Equipment sold into the PJM territory that has a higher ASHRAE performance rating than the State's adopted ASHRAE standard

Through our processes, we are able to generate additional value to OEM equipment suppliers that service the PJM Territory. 

Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V data components include: 

  • Sales order of products delivered into the PJM territory, line by line
  • Shipping destination address to verify location of installation
  • Date of shipment 
  • Point of Sale agreement

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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Data Centers

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Data centers play a significant role in energy demand within the PJM RTO, and continues to grow every from the ever increasing social and eCommerce platforms.

EES is able to qualify new data center projects by establishing a data center construction baseline standard. If a new data center is constructed with optimal cooling efficiency along with intelligent server activation controls, these reductions can be quantified and effectively monetized. 

Data capacity increases along with infrastructure system (cooling) upgrades can also be quantified and monetized. 


Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

M&V Data is essential to determining current operating conditions and the benefits derived from a renovation, capacity increase or cooling system upgrade. Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

Data centers can vary significantly in facility size and overall data capacity, the data provided will be critical to calculating the final incentive value. 

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Please share any relevant data for your project for further evaluation. 

LED Lighting Upgrades

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LED Lighting projects  able to be qualified as the wattage reduction achieved are relatively easy to quantity. Typical lighting projects includes removal of fluorescent T-5, T-8, T-12 or high bay (Metal Halide, Sodium) fixtures and the installation of LED fixtures. With the ever improving LED technology, higher lumens per watt are able to be achieved. Wattage reductions of 50 - 75% are not unheard of on LED Lighting projects.

Combined with HVAC or Refrigeration load reduction resulting from the reduced cooling load, a lighting project can achieve payback periods ranging from 6 months to 5 years depending on the final scope of work. 


Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V data components include: 

- Line item breakdown of pre & post project equipment

- MEP or Architectural Drawings

- Utility Account

- Installation & Commissioning date

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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HVAC, Fan, Pump & Refrigeration Systems 

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This project category can deliver a very wide ranging impact on energy demand and consumption. The variability is mostly due to the wide ranging control sequences that can be implemented as a component of a HVAC, Fan, Pump & Refrigeration System Upgrade. 

On the simplistic end, it is quite simple to quantify the efficiency gains from installing a higher efficiency HVAC, Motor or Chiller System. These efficiency gains can deliver 10-15% in efficiency gains and can be quantified and submitted. The true opportunity for both the local utility incentives and the PJM Capacity Incentives rests within the upgraded intelligent controls that might also be implemented during the project. Shown below are some examples that offer additional savings and efficiency gains. 

  • Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) - CO2 sensor control outside air and throttle over sized AHUs
  • Pump & Fan Controls - Incorporating pressure controls or delta-T controls to these systems to reduce operating horsepower 
  • Smart Sequencing - Shifting of mechanical chillers to operate the systems at peak efficiency rather than antiquated START/STOP sequencing

Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V data components include: 

- Pre / Post Equipment list

- MEP or Architectural Drawings

- Custom Application system logs

- Utility Account

- Installation & Commissioning date

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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Compressed Air Systems

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Upgrades to compressed air systems offer significant ACT129 Utility Based Incentives and PJM Capacity Incentives. This is because of the large motor capacity of compressed air systems and their overall energy loading. Compressed air is one of the most inefficient resources within the manufacturing process but it is widely used because of pneumatic force it provides while providing a simple means of used energy dissipation (it's just air). Compressed air systems can contribute to be over 75% of a facility's energy use depending on how process intensive the facility might be. 

A typical upgrade to a compressed air system includes: 

  • Smart sequencing of existing or new compressors
  • Variable capacity compressors working in conjunction with VSD compressors
  • Improved sequencing and sizing correlation between system supply and demand side
  • Improved dryer efficiency
  • Leak detection and repair 

If you have not yet finalized your scope of work for this project or submitted for the local utility incentives, please reach out to us for further assistance. 


Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V data components include: 

- Pre / Post Equipment list

- MEP or Architectural Drawings

- Custom Application system logs

- Utility Account

- Installation & Commissioning date

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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New Construction Commercial and Residential

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New construction and major renovation design and construction have to meet or exceed jurisdictional energy, safety and construction standards. The PJM Capacity Rewards Program provides incentives for new construction or renovations that exceeds the accepted standards. The most commonly benchmarked standards are from ASHRAE for commercial buildings. 

For residential construction, the HERS rating can be used to establish both the baseline and the efficiency delta to the housing development. 

For specific types of buildings that might not adhere to these ASHRAE standards, industry specific standards might be used as the construction baseline. 


Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V data components include: 

- MEP or Architectural Drawings

- Energy Models if available

- Comcheck Report

- Utility Account

- Installation & Commissioning date

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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Food Service Equipment

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The search for modern day convenience has brought on the ever increasing demand for Food service equipment. Refrigeration has allowed retailers and grocery stores to provide pre-prepared meals and beverages at unprecedented levels. 

Investments in the food service space includes: 

  • Anti-Sweat Heater Controls (Dew Point Controls)
  • Energy Star Refrigerators
  • Smart Sequencing

Project Submissions for each delivery year are due in May of the associated delivery summer period. These resources are aggregated and submitted to PJM for review and processing. Based on the current calendar year, ESS is able to submit projects from 2 prior to the present year utilizing May as the cut off period. As an example. If May 1, 2021 is the project submission date, any project completed after May 1 2018 can be submitted. 

The available incentive duration is directly associated with the project completion year. If a project is completed in June of 2018, this resource would have qualified for incentives for the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. However, since the project was finally submitted in the 2021 delivery year, the final payout would only be for the 2021 & 2022, as it would have missed the 2019 & 2020 delivery year. 

M&V Data

The primary M&V and essential components include: 

- LED Lit Refrigerator Doors - Replacing older fluorescent lighting

- Anti-Sweat Heater Door Count - Dew point controls vs. Continuous ON

- Energy Models if available

- Utility Account

- Installation & Commissioning date

Please select Share Project Details to provide further information regarding your project. 

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